Top 3 Ways To Carry Concealed

There are many ways to carry a firearm.

There has been a substantial  rise of women in the firearm/ self-defense realm, which has led to more versatile carry positions and options. Purse carry is no longer the primary or even most convenient carry option for ladies. There are pros and cons to  any concealed carry method. Concealed carry experts agree the safest and most convenient way to carry a concealed firearm is on your body.

1. Appendix Carry

Over the last few years, appendix carry has grown to become one of the most popular carry options. With appendix carry, the gun sits in the waistband in the front of the body, usually a little offset from the belt buckle toward your dominant side (this may vary from person to person). 

Appendix Carry Pros & Cons

Pros:   – The gun is in the most convenient place  – It’s easy to keep track of your firearm and defend it – Easy to conceal  Cons:   – Can be uncomfortable (especially if carrying a larger-framed firearm)

2. 4 O’clock Or  Strong Side Carry

4 o’clock is one of the oldest  and most popular ways to carry. With this concealed carry method, your firearm sits on  your hip, on your dominant side. People prefer this method over an appendix because it can be more comfortable, especially when sitting down or bending over  to pick something up.

Strong Side Carry Pros & Cons

Pros:   – The gun is still in a convenient place  – If inside the waistband, it’s reasonably easy to conceal – Slightly more comfortable than appendix carry  Cons:   – Can be harder to defend than appendix carry  – Not easy to conceal if it’s outside the waistband

3. Small Of The  Back Carry

Small of the back carry is exactly how it sounds. The firearm is typically inside your waistband in the small of your back. With this method, awareness of your firearm is low. It’s hard to know if your firearm is printing and if someone else could easily access it.

Small Of The Back Carry Pros & Cons

Pros:   – Fairly comfortable unless in a seated position Cons:   – More difficult to access – Holstering safely can be an issue – Difficult to defend your gun from this position/ easy for someone else to access your firearm – Inconsistent/slow draw

Other Carry Methods: 

-Ankle Carry  -Belly Band   -Thigh Holster    -Bra Holster  -Pocket Carry  -Off-Body Carry 

As stated before,  there are so many different ways to carry. Nonetheless, no matter how you choose to carry what's more important is proper training! 

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