Active Threat Instructor COurse
The Active Threat Instructor is a 4-day class with live-fire, specifically designed to equip officers with the necessary skills and strategies to effectively respond to active threat incidents in various environments and teach the material back to their agency. We go beyond traditional active threat response training by offering tactics that are applicable in various scenarios and settings, ensuring officers are prepared to handle threats no matter the circumstances. By training officers to respond effectively in a variety of environments, from crowded areas to open-air venues and vehicles, the course addresses the evolving nature of threats and the need for adaptable responses.
The course begins with a brief lecture that highlights the distinctions between 88 Tactical’s Active Threat Interdiction strategy and traditional training approaches. Following the lecture, the course emphasizes hands-on instruction to ensure practical application of the tactics taught.
To enhance the realism of the training, the course incorporates multiple contact drills, force-on-force exercises, scenario simulations, post-engagement exercises, and optional live-fire range practice. Upon completing the course, students conduct peer teach-backs, and must pass practical exercises in order to receive instructor certification. Students will receive a manual with drills, lesson plans, and live-fire exercises.
- Detect pre-attack indicators
- Weapons maneuver, avoiding friendly fire, earning the shot
- Movement through crowds
- Use cover and bounding/flanking movement to gain an advantage
- Aggressive solo response, and linkups
- Safe travel lanes and corridors
- Priority of life during active threat response
- Dealing with off-duty officers, legally armed citizens
- Teach backs, scenario development/management
- How to set up safe training
- Live-Fire Range
- Full PPE for Force on Force (head, neck, eyes, gloves, body)
- Bolt blocker for rifle/handgun, full load out gear
- 150 rounds of NLTA (rifle, handgun, or combination of both)
- 400 rifle ammo and 150 handgun
- Eye protection, hearing protection
- Notebook pen
- Classroom with projector, speakers, computer hookups
- Open space venue (sterile parking lot)
- Building for solo/team movement – must accept marked cartridges or airsoft
- Provide two role players on day three
- Two vehicles for drills SUV or van
- Range with targets, portable cover pieces (8-12)
Host a Class
If your agency is interested in hosting a class, please contact Aaron Guzman at 507-884-5193 or
Ask how your agency can receive a FREE slot.