Women’s Defensive Handgun 1 Course

Led by a female instructor, this women-only Defensive Handgun 1 course is for women who have some beginner-level experience with a handgun but want to start on the right path for defensive preparedness. The goal of the class is to get students shooting safely, consistently, and with a focus on good self-defense habits. This class is a great class to prepare you for the Women’s Practical Handgun class. All shooting drills in this course are completed from the ready position and drawing from a holster is not required, although you should have one to attend. We do have rental holsters and handguns available. For those that have no or little experience with handguns, we recommend Intro to Handgun.


  • Demonstrate the fundamentals of marksmanship and safety
  • Demonstrate threat-focused/point shooting
  • Demonstrate the basics of sighted fire
  • Demonstrate reloads and malfunction clearance

The required equipment is available for purchase or rent prior to class.

  • Eye and ear protection
  • Pistol in proper working order (unloaded and stored in the case prior to arrival)
  • 3 or more magazines/speed loaders
  • Sturdy holster and belt
  • 150 rounds of quality ammunition
  • A t-shirt along with a loose-fitting shirt is recommended for this course. Please refrain from low cut or V-neck shirts, as hot brass can cause burns

Students must be at least 18 years old unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student or parent/legal guardian signing the waiver must have a valid government-issued I.D. *Must have successfully completed a Concealed Carry course or demonstrate good firearms safety/have a working knowledge of how to shoot a handgun.