88 Tactical Receives 2023 NAFA Clean Air Award

88 Tactical is thrilled to announce our receipt of the prestigious 2023 NAFA Clean Air Award, a distinction presented by the National Association for Clean Air (NAFA). This accolade stands as a mark of excellence in the air filtration industry, acknowledging exceptional leadership and commitment to advancing clean air standards.

NAFA, a highly respected authority in the realm of clean air, is dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability and clean air initiatives. Their mission aligns perfectly with our own values at 88 Tactical, where safety reigns supreme.

At 88 Tactical, the safety and well-being of our members, patrons, and staff are paramount. Through the implementation of high-efficiency filtration products and adherence to best filtration practices, we have successfully created and maintained a healthy indoor environment. This achievement underscores our relentless dedication to providing a secure space for everyone who walks through our doors.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to The Filter Shop for nominating us for this prestigious award. Their support has been instrumental in our journey toward cleaner and healthier indoor air quality.

For those interested in delving deeper into NAFA and the Clean Air Award, or if you wish to explore the profiles of other esteemed recipients, we invite you to visit their website. Together, let’s celebrate the collective efforts in promoting clean air and environmental stewardship.