Are you a law enforcement agency seeking top-notch training for your personnel?
Hosting training sessions from reputable organizations like 88 Tactical can be a game-changer!
Here’s why hosting 88 Tactical training can be a strategic move for your agency and your budget.
The financial burden of travel, accommodation, meals, and overtime pay can strain budgets. Hosting 88 Tactical training locally eliminates these expenses, saving you money that can be allocated to other critical needs such as equipment and additional training programs.
88 Tactical takes care of all the organization issues. From things like registration and paperwork to marketing materials, we handle it! That means your agency can focus on maximizing the training experience for your personnel while 88 Tactical manages the administrative workload.
For officers, maintaining certifications is essential. 88 Tactical collaborates with state training coordinators to ensure that their courses qualify for continuing education credits. This benefit not only enhances officers’ skills but also aids in their professional development.
As a host agency, you may receive complimentary training slots. This not only reduces costs for the agency but also allows more personnel to benefit from the training, enhancing the overall skill set within the organization.
88 Tactical brings a high-quality curriculum and expert instructors, ensuring that your personnel receive top-quality training. This high-caliber instruction is invaluable for enhancing the skills and knowledge of law enforcement officers.
Need to get in touch with us? Call, email, or complete our convenient online form. We look forward to hearing from you.