Honoring Heroes & Building Community at Herostock 2023

On Saturday, September 9th, 88 Tactical proudly joined numerous veteran organizations at Herostock. This one-of-a-kind, family-friendly event was designed to pay tribute to the unsung heroes of our communities and our country. From veterans to law enforcement officers, firefighters, rescue workers, emergency personnel, and Gold Star families, the event drew a diverse crowd, all coming together to take a well-deserved break, unwind, have fun, and connect with one another.

Herostock was nothing short of a spectacular celebration, filled with an abundance of delicious food, live music, and entertainment. However, it was the sense of camaraderie that truly set this event apart. As we all deal with the hectic pace and challenges of daily life, Herostock provided a much-needed haven of positivity and unity.

At its core, Herostock is about serving our heroes, and this event did not disappoint in fulfilling that mission. The hundreds of attendees who flocked to the event left with memories they will cherish for years to come. The resounding success of Herostock underscores the importance of events like these within our communities and serves as a shining example of the positive impact that a dedicated community can have when it comes together to celebrate and support its heroes.

If you’d like to learn more about this event, visit Herostock online at https://www.herostock.org/.