Basic Handgun Defense Level 2 course
Basic Handgun Defense Level 2 builds on the fundamentals of defensive shooting presented in Basic Handgun Defense Level 1.
In this 3-4 hour basic level course, you will continue to build a foundation of safe, defensive handgun skills to a level useful for real-world self-defense. Students will focus heavily on sighted fire single and multiple shots from the ready position and from a position with the hand on the gun in the holster. It will also review and improve on skills learned from Basic Handgun Defense Level 1.
This course includes one hour of lecture and dry fire practice.
- Demonstrate front sight focused fire from the ready position
- Demonstrate front sighted fire from an over or covert gripped in holstered position
- Demonstrate precise trigger control
- Demonstrate multiple front sight focused shots
- Demonstrate reloads and malfunction clearance
If needed, all required equipment can be rented or purchased at 88 Tactical during the class.
- Eye and ear protection
- Pistol in proper working order (unloaded and stored in the case prior to arrival)
- 3 or more magazines/speed loaders (3 or more is highly recommended)
- Sturdy holster and belt
- 150 rounds of quality ammunition
- A t-shirt along with a loose-fitting shirt is recommended for this course. Please refrain from low cut or V-neck shirts, as hot brass can cause burns.
- Must be at least 18 years old unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. The student or parent/legal guardian signing the waiver must have a valid government-issued I.D.
- Must have successfully completed Basic Handgun Defense Level 1, or receive instructor permission.